Next stop was a rather misty and wet Milford Sound but after sitting out the whole day in the cafe, the rain eventually stopped and the mist cleared for our view of the iconic Mitre Peak.
The day after we walked up though the morning mist to Key Summit to be rewarded with a brief glimse of the snow covered peaks of The Darrans and the Alias Mountains but views to the south were obliterated by a freak NZ sleet shower before we got to the viewpoint. We spent the rest of the day walking to and back from the Mackenzie Hut (day 3 of the famous Routeburn Great Walk) though intermittent showers and almost constant mist.
We have now parted company with Ruth and Peter, but it looks like they are looking forward to getting back soon. We've headed back to Queenstown to get some more tramping and climbing done till some good weather eventually arrives in Fiordland (late Janurary/Feb is usually good) and we can head back to the awesome looking Darrans.
Experiencing the full force of the Tasman Sea at the mouth of Doubtful Sound
Atmospheric Doutful Sound
Solitutde at Lake Marian in The Darrans
Cloud lifts over Milford Sound and Mitre Peak