Saturday, 11 April 2009

Easter Weekend

With only a few days left till Helen starts work, we thought we'd get out to enjoy the lovely Easter weekend weather and explore a bit more of Wellington and its environs.

The Brooklyn Wind Turbine on the way up Hawkins Hills

View from the Wind Turbine over Wellington harbour

Helen on the first part of the Red Rock track descending from Hawkins Hill

Tim a bit further on down the track. The snow dusted tops of the Kiakoura mountain range of the South Island visible across the Cook Strait.

Heading back to Owrewa Bay along the coastal route

The next day we went to check out the climbing of Titahi Bay, 30 minutes up the west coast from us.
Helen reaching the top of 'Dysentry Groove', one of the better climbs of the area.

It was a bit windy and not sheltered as the guidebook suggests.

And after finally finding a desk (for $23.50 on Trade Me), we no longer have to share the dinner table with the computer!

On Easter Sunday we went for another bike ride to explore the Belmont Regional park, occupying the high land between the Hutt valley and the west coast.Look south over Wellington harbour

On Monday we headed out to the Wellington bouldering mecca of Bearing Head where it was nice and sunny but very very windy!

Tim on the classic 'The Crack'

Traversing Long Wall

The strong northerly whipping the tops of the waves.

Friday, 3 April 2009


We spent a few hectic but comfortable days staying with Carolyne's (of Tarras) niece, Karen and her family while we looked for somewhere to live. Then once we found somewhere and moved in we had some further hectic days furnishing it with visits to surplus auctions, garage sales, school galas and of course Trade Me (eBay).

Day 1 - Unloading the van

Dining in style

Well its a slight upgrade on the van

Day 2 - View from the deck

5 months of growth
Back to normal

Cleaning all the stuff we brought from the school gala (3 bags of White Elephant for $20 providing we take it back once we start replacing it)

Getting there (establishing the priorities -music and internet)

Our one extravegance was two bikes to enjoy the multitude of mountain bike trails for venturing into the bushy hills around the city...

Picnic in the Hutt Valley

...which now means that Bongo has now been demoted from home to bike transporter