Tuesday, 11 January 2011

French Ridge for New Year

Ball Glacier

For Ruth and Peter's first overnight tramp we ended up leaving the car just before dusk to walk into Ball Shelter. A recent road washout meant we couldn't drive as far as we had hoped, even with Caddy.

So after a night camping outside the new (tiny) Ball Shelter, we headed up the hillside. to be rewarded with fabulous views of the Caroline Face of Mount Cook and up the Tasman Valley.
Minarets (centre left) and the Tasman Valley.

Swimming with Dolphins in Akaroa

A reciprocal Christmas present for the visiting members of the Alderson family was a trip in Akaroa harbour on the Banks Penninsular to go swimming with dolphins.

Me and Peter stayed on deck.

Whereas the girls went in the water.
Unfortunately they dolpins didn't want to play on this day, but we got some good views from the boat. I'll try and work out how to get a movie of them up soon.