Saturday, 14 June 2014

First Ski of 2014

First ski tour of 2014 at Mt Cheeseman. I suppose the emphasis was on the tour but with views like this, you can't complain.

Castle Hill Range across the Castle Hill Basin from Cheeseman

Looking west up the Harper River to Lagoon Saddle with Mt Rolleston and the Main Divide behind

Mt Cheeseman Ski Field

Approaching the summit of Mt Cloudsley with Mt Cheeseman behind

Looking south towards the Wilderforce River

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Heaphy Track

Our plane coming into land in Karamea

Taking off over the west coast

Hope the bikes are well strapped on

Approaching the mouth of the Heaphy River

Looking south from the mouth of the Heaphy back towards Karamea, the route on our second day

Mouth of the Heaphy River and Heaphy Hut

Crusing over Goland Downs

Early morning mist as we descend into Golden Bay. Farewell Spit on the horizon.

No one bothered to clear the cow poo from the runway

A steady climb from Brown Hut took us to Flanagans Corner, the summit of the Heaphy Track at over 900m. It's all downhill from here (mostly).

The Dragons Teeth from the viewpoint

Lara and Neil demonstrating that helmets should be worn at all times when tramping

Heading onto the downs from Percy Saddle

The boot post

Fixing a puncture at Goland Downs Hut

Saxon Hut

Icy bikes in the sub zero morning in front of the new James McKay hut (work in progress)

Riding across the Heaphy River

Helen negotiating one of the wire bridges. This is a reason that paniers aren't a good idea on the Heaphy

Approaching the Heaphy River mouth and the west coast

View north, back the way we had come from the final hill