Two weekends ago we headed back up to Turoa to get two days of skiing in. On Saturday night we walked to the Blyth Hut again to find it had recently been stocked up by helecopter with firewood for the winter so we again had a cosy night. Sunday was a bit more cloudy, snowy and windy, though the fresh snow gave some good skiing.
Now there's a challange for Darrell...!
Last weekend, despite it being the school holiday and likely to be quite packed, we headed up to Whakapapa on the northern side of Ruapehu. We had hoped to get some ice climbing done, but everything was rather bare so we packed up the touring gear and headed up from the top ski lift to Pinnacle Ridge.
Pinnacle Ridge and the crater of Ngauruhoe behind.
On the wider part of Pinnacle Ridge with First and Second Pinnacles behind after skining up from the ski field.
View across the Tama Lakes to Ngauruhoe.
Unfortunately, the slopes on the way down to the ski field weren't in amazing condition.
After exploring a bit of the ski field we contiuned our tour of Tongariro Huts and walked an hour off the Bruce Road to the Whakapaiti Hut, arriving just before dark. We shared the hut with Chris (Brummy) and Christina (Kiwi) and it took most of the evening for Tim to get to grips with the complicated rules of the card game that Christina was trying to teach us.
During the night the wind picked up significantly at times shaking the hut to its foundation and in the morning we headed out into the worsening conditions to get back to the car. The wind made it a battle most of the way with rucksac straps flapping horizontally as we leaned into the wind but luckily we had our googles shielding our eyes from the blasts of wind-blown snow and securing our hoods to our heads. With having to walk most of the way directly into (two steps forward, one blown back) or side on to the wind (stumbling side to side), it felt a long way back to the buffeted car. As any further plans for the day were ruled out with both ski fields closed due to gale force winds we made an early departure back to Wellington.
1 comment:
Happy Birthday for Monday Tim!
We hope you have a great time up in the mountains skiing and ice climbing and enjoy having some welcome beers at the end of the day!!
Love from Sarah and Lee xx
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